Monday, April 28, 2008

Ok, Ok... Im here...

They wore me down. I have finally created a blog. Who, you ask? Two of the most inspiring and influential women in my life. My sweet sister, Holly & my dear friend, Kathy.

Although I enjoy writing and most of the time express myself better via keyboard I put off starting a blog for the same reason I have chosen to never persue another relationship. I didnt want to have to rehash the last 35 years of my life. Lol!
Not that it isnt worth rehashing. I have been very blessed! I just like to go a day at a time and live in the present.

The events of last week have made me realize LOTS of things. One - how lucky I am to have people like my sister & Kathy in my life & Two - Take today & live it to the fullest (even blog about it), there are no guarantees for tomorrow.

Its not much, ladies, but its a start. I promise Ill keep up. I want to make you both as proud of me as I am of you.



Kathy said...

yay yay yay and i AM proud of you! (even before u blogged but now youve been bumped up a notch)
you wont regret it. i have never been so thankful for my picture-taking disorder than i was on Saturday to get to be reminded all our good times. just fyi all photos of me must be preapproved before posting......;)

The Haney Family Blog said...

I'm so glad that you are on here too!! Now we can get to know each other even better!!!

leigh ann said...

yay!! another blog to be addicted to!!

Holly said...

Hey little sister! Good for you doing this. It's really cool and a good way to organize your thoughts. And, you're a great writer, so it will be a good read for the rest of us. I'm with Kathy on the picture approval...if I see one of me in a bathing suit, you'll have to use 2 hands and a flashlight to find your own butt! Oh, and I already am proud of you for lots of reasons. Love you.

Kathy said...

im ready for another entry sweet friend!

Holly said...

C'mon sista...entertain me! You're too darn funny to keep it all to yourself. Quinn-isms alone could fill a page a day! :)