Monday, May 19, 2008

If you know me...

If you know me you know that I recently became a make-shift orphan. Ok, ok... so Im not reeeeally an orphan, but then again if you know me... you also know I have a flair for the dramatics. Saying Im "orphaned" sounds so much more dramamtic than... "Hey Im 35 years old & have my own home, family & career & my parents are semi retiring on a beautiful, peaceful island." People react more in my favor to the "Im an orphan" comment. ;o)

My parents moved to Hilton Head Island approx 2 weeks ago, hence forth the orphan comment.

If you know me you know that I have probably the best mother & father that God ever blessed anyone with. I miss them.

They've been gone now for a couple weeks, but the sting of reality just hit me today when my mom left to go back to SC after a quick weekend visit. A visit she made to help me transport my son to his soccer game. Who does that? She does.

We met for an early morning breakfast at Cracker Barrel today & then she was on her way. As she was leaving she said, "See you in about 3 weeks." Wow. 3 weeks without my best friend, biggest cheerleader/critic (lol) and unconditional love. Will I make it? Im determined to.

If you know me you know that I come from one awesome group of folks. We've had more than our share of blessings in life and in the grand scheme of things have had very little struggle compared to what others experience. There were times in my (young, immature) life that I thought each day was a struggle. Thats when I realized I was my own worst enemy. I think they call that realization "maturity". Could I actualy, after all these years & self induced battles have acheived such a state? I guess only time will tell.

If you know me you know that since the minute I arrived in this world I have been stubborn, determined (not always thinking of the end result) & a fighter. At times I have fought for the complete wrong things & if those fights would have been victorious, Id have been in a whole world of doo-doo. Guess who wouldnt allow me to win those fights? Youre right... good ol B & R. Thank you.

I still remember what kids want & shouldnt have. ie: cars @ 16, dorms freshman year, no curfew & as much as I loathed you for not allowing any of that, I thank you today. I hope mine dont fight like a tiger (like I did) & immediately understand the reasoning for my decision, but Im doubting they will. I guess I better prepare to get what I gave, huh? :O)

Thank you Mom & Dad. Thank you for loving me when I was impossible to love & didnt even like myself, thank you for encouraging me to do things that would make me who I am today, thank you for never missing a wiggle that I ever did (dance, flag corps, cheering, etc), thank you for raising me in a family who knows & abides my the Word of God, thank you for loving & supporting my children in so many, many ways.

If you know me you know Im not above kicking, screaming & crying for them "not to leave me". I didnt. They need & deserve this. After taking care of so many others, sacrificing the majority of your life for ungrateful takers, working until you thought you couldnt go another day to give us anything our hearts desired, for loving God & teaching us to do the same... its your time now... Go, run, walk, golf, tan, sell cupcakes on the beach and for once... take care of you!

I love you Mom & Dad more than I could ever communicate to you through words or otherwise. I hope one day to make you as proud of me as I am of you... You big island snobs, you ;o)


Holly said...

Great post, E. You're right...they are the best. And so are you.

lckyladik said...

They should be very proud of you. I am and I didn't even haave a part in your creation lol.. You just about made me cry. You'll be fine.. you're very strong and
I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-A-N-T HAHA.. You always have your friends..:)

Kathy said...

great blog. Awesome maturity and humility to put yourself "out there" like that. SOunds like you have some great parents.

Brenda said...

I have read and laughed through all your blogs but this one brought tears.

You, too, could be an island snob...

Now, about this semi-retired thing, surely you are talking about only one of us! I have more jobs than I have ever had, ha!

I am very proud of you and what you have accomplished. You should be too.


Mary said...

Girl, I know that took a lot for you to give them their life back. You seem to have an awesome set of parents and I only hope that my daughters grow up and still love me the way you love yours. You never know what they will grow up and remember and decide to hate us for.... ;o)
Love ya,